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Midnight Musings - The story of the burnt pot

Updated: Feb 1, 2021

#reiki #natural #therapy #treatment #hands #distance #practitioner #ashati #subtle #energy #lightwork #empath #crystal #indigo #rainbow #alternative #empowerments #attunements #clearing #alignment #trauma #bereavement #substanceabuse #aura #chakra Ever wondered: "Why is life so hard on me?" "Why does the Divine allow all these painful experiences to happen in my life?" "Are my prayers ven heard, my misery noticed?" Living Life leave marks on our souls. Sometimes it's a mark that doesn't serve us for the Higher Good. Maybe we picked up something during our journey; and it doesn't aid us in our Quest back to The Divine. This then needs to be removed. But how? Think about it this way: We all have that favourite pot in the kitchen. That very one you use every day. Sometimes even twice. Then one day, we got busy somewhere and the rice burns. Terribly. Not just a little scorch. No. Now what? We need that pot...

Soaking it in water. Hmmmmm.... didn't work. The charred rice is stubborn..... We get some detergent and a "scruffy" and start scrubbing this favourite pot of ours..... Not enough effect. We yank the cupboard open, search for the mother-of-all-metal-scruffies made; and start SCRUBBING. Nope. (!!!!) That was it. YOU NEED YOUR POT. YOUR FAVOURITE AND ONLY POT THAT "KNOWS" HOW TO COOK TO PERFECTION Now the heavy artillery gets yanked out of the cupboard:

°°° The Teaspoon. °°°

Diving into that pot, you attack that burnt rice with such vengeance, it flies off. You're so happy. And after buffing that pot back to its Shiny Self, you put it on the counter top.

Right there.

Easy to reach.

Ready for another "Masterchef Classic". You are God's Favourite Pot.

When life leaves unwanted stains on us, that doesn't serve in the Plan God has for us, it needs to be removed. When we stubbornly cling to these inperfections, God speaks a bit louder. If we still don't pay attention, listen, let go or change direction, God uses tools to clean us up. And that ís going to hurt. But onced buffed, shining like only a Favourite Pot can, we stand on the counter top. In our full glory. Ready to serve our Creator with all we have. Using a teaspoon to loosen stubborn char, sometimes leave a scratch or two on our pots. But we all know that it is exactly our scars that make us truly beautiful in this life. I am Thankful for today.

For everything that happens to me; and what I encounter; is an opportunity to Shine for-, and Serve my Creator. Blessings and Love on the back of the wind. Ella

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