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About Shadow Work

Updated: Aug 12, 2021

I think there are as many methods and opinions on how to do it, than there are people in earth. It is and stays a personal journey, that only you will find the best way and only you will determine the depth of it. There are just as many prompts a person can use. Many easy. Many so complex that you loose hope before you even start.

For me it is all about the practical options and reachable goals. To ponder in circles get you nowhere. And to keep licking old wounds cause fresh bleeds and excessive scarring. Also a lesson I had to learn myself. It is a conscious decision you have to make to do shadow work. It takes a lot of effort and energy. That demon behind you is part of yourself. Whether you like to know it or not. So to go slay it, you should be willing to change. Ironically lose something of yourself. That is inevitable. Partially because you can walk lighter. One demon less. And partially; now that it is not part of your make-up anymore, a different version of yourself emerges. It takes guts to change. As soon as you change, your environment responds to it. The people in your life responds to it. Knowingly and unknowingly. Our whole experience of life changes. Now that has consequences. If a puzzle-piece all of a sudden changes shape, it will never fit comfortably again in its original spot. You are either going to force it in, or find a different spot…... Or the pieces connected to it, start to change as well….. Ever so often you have someone doing the Shadow work, resulting in the healing of that person’s whole Soul Family. (Think Ancestral Karma – the “Black sheep” of the family challenging outdated patterns, setting off many an alchemical reactions) What works for me, when I have to go do some Shadow work, is to ask the question to ask is WHY. At least 5 times. Then answering this question as a witness. To step outside yourself, out of the corner where your Ego lives. You see Ego is not an enemy. It is the caring friend that make sure your hair is neat, just before you step out of the door. Checking whether your socks match, driving you to do your best, look your best. The best version of yourself. A perfect partner when Ego stays within its scope of practice, pure disaster when allowed doing Inner work or trying to assist in you with your Spiritual evolving. But back to the WHY question….. Once I ask the first “why” and I answer it, I stand back and witness my answer and the emotions that it evokes, rather than experience them. Trying to find the reason as to what evoked it and my reaction to it. All from a witness point of view. “Witnessing is a neutral stance wherein we place no judgment upon what we experience. Instead, we observe what passes in front of us from a point of neutrality, all that arises Internally as feelings and emotions. Witnessing allows us to see the larger picture, that so often escapes us when we only become embroiled in emotional reaction.” ~ E. Bisschoff Then the interesting part starts. I ask myself “But why…?” (followed by my first answer). Again, I sit with my second answer from a witness point of view. Then once I figure out thát why, I ask: “But why….?” (followed by the answer that I just figured out. At about the 5th time I asked myself ‘why’ staying as the witness in the situation, I should get to the core of why this has triggered my initial response or reaction. This is where I do my self healing. Many a time finding either Ego or Inner Child there. Wounded, or bruised. Healing is a topic on its own. There are so many to choose from Often people go and see a practitioner. Many times this is then rather the starting point of healing the Shadow Self, because the person had a physical manifestation of an age old wound needed to be healed. Often people start studying different healing modalities to learn to do the healing themselves. This is where your burden of the past turns into a tool of the future to help others again.

And once you had the opportunity to heal that part of yourself, you suddenly realise you found a piece of you own puzzle that has been missing for such a long time. And your unique picture is one step closer to be whole again.

May you be Blessed with Love Laughter and Light

~ Ella

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