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Why Reiki sometimes doesn't work

I recently had the opportunity to answer this question of a potential client. Then, in hindsight, thought it a good idea to actually blog it, as so many people have that question. Maybe there is an answer for you here too.

This particular person tried some self healing and could not understand why she could not restore herself back to where she was before her dis-ease.

Healing takes many forms. I don't think any healing restores a person back to original physical/emotional form, and many times what we think is breaking us, was actually reforming us. Meaning that what we thought was our true self, actually never was.  With any form of Metaphysical healing, the therapist is only a conduit and/or facilitator/instigator. No one can heal another. Everyone heals themselves.  That said (especially with Reiki, as other modalities use different methods), the therapist is the funnel/channel between the client and Sacred Source; and that funnel needs to be "clean" and healthy to be the best conduit for the Energy to flow, so that the client can take as much as their Higher Self needs, to heal. You, as a therapist, is the connection only. Not the healer. The healing, the amount of healing, where, and when, is between Sacred Source and the client. That is why I feel it is so difficult to Reiki ourselves. Our funnel is "dirty" with all our physical and emotional pain/challenges/blockages, so now the Reiki can't get there where it is needed, due to these blocks.  There might be many other reasons why the Reiki does not work. Sometimes there within our "original selves", the seed of what needs to heal, lies. And the healing is within the changes we see happening. So changing is not always "a bad thing". 

And then sometimes it is a higher- or lower self/inner child/ego matter. It might be that your Higher Self still has a purpose for these challenges, meaning that these challenges still need to facilitate healing that you might not be aware of. As for the lower self matter - and I see it many times with my patients: They actually cling to this pain/challenges/blockages, because (1) being used to it; and they actually cannot see a life without it and

(2) using their pain/challenges/blockages as a tool between and within their circles of existance, to gain certain things. 

Now you must bear in mind that even though it sounds "wrong", there is actually no such thing as "right" and "wrong". It is pure perception. And where people are doing this, you'll find ancient soul contracts; unresolved karma and so forth, between the parties, that need to be dissolved first, before any healing can happen.  Sometimes the client's perception and expectations of what Reiki does, when and where, gets sourly disappointed, as they await miraculous changes within moments to minutes; or they aimed to have a headache cured for instance, but now their love for sweet things has disappeared; and they never made the connection that the overload sugar in their bodies caused their headaches. Please know that wherever you are on your path and why, is a personal experience and that nothing is "wrong" with why you are there. No matter what the reason.

Now, it always help to take yourself out of yourself;and then observe yourself from a distance. From there, you look at yourself, without any prejudice and with great unconditional love. See what bothers you; and where it is situated. Ask that aspect of yourself, what you can do to make it better; and then work on that.  And then finally, coming back to the beginning of the email.... Sometimes the true healing lies in accepting things the way it is and start from there. Adjusting yourself within your challenges and circumstances, finding your true self with all its perks, plasters, crutches and torn clothes and just love yourself for who you are, not for who you want to be. In this there is a certain kind of freedom, often overlooked, where you then nurture yourself back into what you actually were originally and wanted to be in the first place, when you decided to be incarnated on earth.  These last two concepts connect like two puzzle pieces. Helping restore oneself at the very core of our being. This is where Reiki works at its best. At the very cause and origin of the challenge. And this is where true healing then takes place.

Sending much Love and Light your way

Ella Blue

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